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Exams Timetable

CPSP and APS Exam Timetable for APRIL 2025. Click on the link below to view or download:


Exam Centres

One has to sit for the examinations at accredited examinations center’s listed below.

Approved Examination Centres

Exemption Policy


This document outlines the rationale for exemptions for the CPSP-K courses, as well as the policy.

  1. Exemptions may, on application, be granted to registered students who are holders of qualifications/certifications recognized by KISEB. Exemptions will be granted on a paper by paper basis upon application through form CPSP/APS/4.
  2. Application for exemption must be submitted with the Exam Entry Form.
  3. Exemptions take into consideration the applicant’s previous studies and examination results;
  4. Applicant must have obtained at least 50% (C) in the previous examination in the subject submitted for exemption;
  5. Exemptions may be considered where 70% or above of the previously studied examination syllabus is identical in mapping to the CPSP syllabus;
  6. No exemption will be given to applicants whose qualifications are obtained by exemptions from local or overseas educational institutes;
  7. Exemptions are applicable in non-core modules in PARTS I, II and III of CPSP-K examinations only;
  8. No exemptions will be granted in the Associate in Procurement (APS) level examination;
  9. A non-refundable exemption fee will be charged on application.

Exemption Criteria

In order for an exemption to be granted, the applicant must provide evidence to demonstrate that the qualification on the basis of which the exemption/s is being sought meets the following criteria:

The qualification must be a fully completed qualification. Exemptions are not awarded for part completed qualifications;

  1. At least 70% of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the relevant CPSP-K unit/s must be covered within the qualification. The
  2. CPSP-K mapping documents must be used to demonstrate coverage of the CPSP- K learning outcomes and assessment criteria;
  3. The level of the qualification must be comparable or higher to that of the CPSP-K unit for which exemption is being sort;
  4. The rigour of assessment for the qualification must be appropriate to the level and content of the CPSP-K unit/s;
  5. No exemption is given for work experience.

Sufficient evidence of the above criteria must be provided by the applicant. The Examination Department will require the following documentation from you when applying for exemption from examinations

  1. Mapping exercise against the syllabus
  2. Copies of certified syllabuses course outlines/course descriptors
  3. Copies of certified degree & diploma certificate and transcript

Mapping Criteria

You are required to undertake a mapping exercise. This exercise identifies to the committee where the evidence that you supply meets the syllabus.

  1. The evidence you supply the committee should demonstrate how you have gained your up to date knowledge
  2. By using the mapping documentation, you will be able to directly correlate your evidence and subsequently enable you to identify that you have met a minimum of 70% of the syllabus.
  3. The committee should be able to use your mapping documentation as their main point of reference to your evidence.
Decsription KSHs USD
CPSP Registration 5,500 60
CPSP Reinstatement 5,500 60
CPSP Renewal 1,500 16
CPSP Part I (set of 3 papers in a part) 7,500 82
CPSP Part I – single paper booked* re-sit only 2,500 28
CPSP Part II (set of 3 papers in a part) 10,500 115
CPSP Part II – single paper booked* re-sit only 3,500 39
CPSP Part III (set of 3 papers in a part) 12,000 132
CPSP Part III – single paper booked* re-sit only 4,000 45
CPSP industry based learning 15,000 165
Exemption CPSP Part I 3,750 42
Exemption CPSP Part II 5,250 59
APS Reinstatement 4,000 45
APS Renewal 1,200 14
APS Level I (for set of 7 papers in a level) 15,400 181
APS Level I – single paper booked* re-sit only 2,200 25
APS Level II (for set of 7 papers in a level) 22,400 264
APS Level II – single paper booked* re-sit only 3,200 35
APS Level III (for set of 7 papers in a level) 22,400 264
APS Level III single paper booked* re-sit only 3,200 35